Corporate & Finance Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 27/09/2024 - Friday 27 September 2024, 10:30am - Birmingham City Council Webcasting

Corporate & Finance Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 27/09/2024
Friday, 27th September 2024 at 10:30am 












  1. 1 Notice of Recording/Webcast
  2. 2 Apologies
  3. 3 Declarations of Interests
  4. 4 Minutes – Corporate and Finance Overview and Scrutiny Committee
  5. 5 Exempt Information – Possible Exclusion of the Press and Public
  6. 6 Corporate and Finance Overview and Scrutiny Committee Action Tracker
  7. 7 Report of the Scrutiny Savings Implications Task and Finish Group
  8. 8 Savings 2024/25 Progress Report
  9. 9 IRP Priority Programme Progress Report
  10. 10 Report of the Scrutiny Information Task and Finish Group
  11. 11 Overview and Scrutiny Development Plan
  12. 12 Scrutiny Work Programme
  13. 13 Request(s) for Call In/Councillor Call for Action/Petitions Received (if any)
  14. 14 Other Urgent Business
  15. 15 Date of Next Meeting

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