Education, Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 29/11/2023 - Wednesday 29 November 2023, 10:00am - Resources Tab - Birmingham City Council Webcasting

Education, Children and Young People Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 29/11/2023
Wednesday, 29th November 2023 at 10:00am 









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  1. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  2. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
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  1. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
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  1. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  2. Cllr Adam Higgs
  3. Cllr Adam Higgs
  4. Cllr Jane Jones
  5. Cllr Jane Jones
  6. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  7. Cllr Debbie Clancy
  8. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  9. Cllr Debbie Clancy
  10. Cllr Debbie Clancy
  11. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  12. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  13. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  14. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  15. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  16. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  17. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  18. Cllr Jane Jones
  19. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  20. Cllr Debbie Clancy
  21. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  22. Cllr Debbie Clancy
  23. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  24. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
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  1. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  2. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  3. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  4. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  5. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
  6. Cllr Kerry Jenkins
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